
Monday, 11 June 2012

Saved by grace

When I say I am a Christian,
I am meant to be Christ-like
In actions, in deeds, and even in thoughts.
When I say I am Christian
I am meant to have all fruits of the spirit
To love, be kind, good,
Humble, forgiving, nice and many more.
But many times in my Christian walk,
I find myself falling short in many ways
Whereby the constant behavior of people push me
Or my own actions make me condemn myself
But then I remember something,

I remember His grace, which saved me initially.
His mercy, which sees me though each fall
And just God being God
And that keeps me going, and gives me the assurance.
He gives me the ability to believe that truly “I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me.”
And then the assurance that when “I call upon the name of God I will be saved”.
And that keeps me going though out, encouraging me not to give up because He would never give up on me.
That is why each time in my Christian walk I make it a point to remember that I walk not by my power, but by He that called me according to His purpose.
So when I say I am a Christian I put my trust in God to see me though it all.
When I say I am a Christian, I say I am not perfect myself, but with God I am.


  1. got reminded of this song...

    ...Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
    Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
    Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
    Would call out through the rain
    And calm the storm in me

    Not because of who I am
    But because of what You've done
    Not because of what I've done
    But because of who You are...

